Forte Process: Group Homework

When we approach a consultation, we act as facilitators. Ultimately this is your design. It can, and will, be everything you want it to be. it’s important that you and your fellow stakeholders play an active role in the process.

Here’s what you can expect:

Preparation Required

Each stage of this process will require you to come prepared. We will send you briefing notes before each video call so you can prepare your ideas, and be mindful of what’s important to you when we undertake the consultation. Your input to the process will greatly influence the outcomes.

Group Homework

After each meeting, you and your colleagues will be given “homework”. This will include the collection of information we required, your structured feedback on certain topics or concepts, and open dialog around function, budget and schedule so we can help align the group. In our meetings we will focus objectively on the work at hand, and work to help you define the decisions you’ll need to make.

Challenging Conversations

Our process often uncovers internal mis-alignment within stakeholder groups. It will also challenge your group to discuss priorities, functions, budget and schedule. Its normally for there to be disagreement within the group. Our role is to challenge those assumptions and stimulate constructive conflict to the get to the root of the issues and established aligned priorities.

You’ll need to make decisions

As a group, you will need to make decisions at several points in the process. Your feedback and input will be solicited in the stakeholder engagement session and the concept review. After the integration of your feedback into the concept, we’ll be asking your group to. endorse the concept before moving to final design. Without your endorsement and the ability for your group to own this decision, the process can grind to a halt. The endorsement ensures final alignment around function, budget, and schedule.

Colby Harder